One Two Buckle My Shoe

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I survived

another night of Trick or Treat!! I'm always solo that night because the fire department patrols the town to keep the little ghosts and goblins (these days more like the power rangers and princesses) safe. Mike came along and picked up Laiken after about an hour and she helped patrol the rest of the evening. The kids had fun, but you can tell they don't walk a whole lot, but ride their bike about everywhere. I think they were more tired than I was. I'll put up pictures as soon as I get them downloaded. Yesterday we did a marathon clean of about half the house, the rest will have to wait until tomorrow. Mike and the older three are butchering a hog today so I'm cleaning out the freezer to get ready to stock up. We still have about 1/4 of the cow and 14 chickens so it'll be tight getting the hog in there too. The bacon and hams won't be ready for about two weeks though so we'll be having chicken a few times to make more room. Since the freezer is in the laundry room, I'm cleaning that out as well. What a job!! Oh well, it always makes me feel better to be tackling some sort of project. Just seems like I end one only to find another couple dozen waiting!! Oh! I forgot I have a cake in the oven and I just heard my timer so more later

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Logan is halfway to 18

I was teasing Logan the other day and telling him that he was halfway to 18 now, then it hit me like a punch in the gut... my baby IS halfway to 18. Technically our time with him in our home is halfway over. I just can't believe it. We had a family party on his birthday and then had a party with friends and extended family this past Saturday. He had a good time and it was nice to see my parents and in-laws make it in from PA. Haven't seen them since Labor Day.

Birthday down, Halloween to come. I've gotten the kids costumes almost completed. I have a girls night out tomorrow night for a Women Who Wine night at a local winery, so actually I only have one more night to get them finished up. I'm excited though, even though I know it means less sleep this week. I'm babysitting for a friend this week, had her today, tomorrow and Thursday. So.... I really should be working now, but just wanted to update before I let it go too long again and then give up.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Farmer takes a wife

Well, if I didn't feel like a "farmer" before, I do now. We spent last weekend putting gravel in our barn preparing to concrete it. This week we took our chickens to be butchered. That is one thing I won't do!!! EVER!! I had to freeze them all though. These cold mornings I don't like heading out to the barn to take all the animals out. Two donkeys, the pony and then to the chicken coop to let them out (we still have 18 egg layers). It was only 23 today at 7:30 when I put them out. Their water outside was FROZEN...

I made Logan brownies for his birthday and he will be having his party on Saturday. Austin picked him up a few little things on Tuesday when we ran to the store before school, but I have to go tonight or tomorrow and finish up. I'm not even sure what to get him, other than shoes.

Well, I have to work still and I really need to clean my house before his party so I'll leave with some pictures of the kids' donkeys (Waldo and Stormy) and pony (Buddy).

Morgan riding Stormy



Waldo being curious, right after this he tried to eat the camera.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Special school lunch

The parents of the first graders were invited to have lunch with them today at school. It was really nice to have lunch with Morgan. My neighbor was kind enough to put Austin on the bus for me and keep Laiken for a little while. We had lunch and then went back to the classroom for a little while and then we were asked to stay for recess. It was nice to be able to see a little bit of their day and chat with the teachers and other parents. Most of the parents were able to make it, but one little girl whose mother wasn't able to be there was feeling especially left out and by the time we went out for recess she was crying. I felt so bad for her. It is times like that I am so glad I am able to work from home and make sure that I don't miss anything like that for my children. Sometimes I feel guilty for not being able to do as much as some of the other parents, like volunteering on a more regular basis, but with little ones still at home it makes it difficult, but for anything special like that I do whatever I can to be able to be there for them.

It was nice because I actually got to see all three of them today for a little while without them knowing, to see the "real them". While we were having lunch Austin's class came in to get their drinks. As he was walking back out I waved to him and he came over to the table with a disgusted look on his face and said "What do you want mom?" I said I just wanted to say hi and have a good day. He gave me a kind of funny look and walked away. When Logan saw me out on the playground he ran over and gave me a hug, but when they were going back in was too cool to say good-bye, well at least until they were almost back in the school and then he turned and yelled bye mom!! Morgan, of course, didn't want me to leave at all and took a little convincing from her teacher to stay for the afternoon. I'm just so glad I was able to go and am already looking forward to when they have one for Austin next year.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Still ticking

Well, after several months I decided to give this thing another shot. I've started to update several times, but with so much to try to catch up with I figured forget it!

Maybe a little at a time.... If I make myself keep doing this.

Already a month or so into school. Logan is absolutely loving 3rd grade. Much different from second grade. He actually has to do homework.

Morgan is adjusting to first grade much better than kindergarten. She is doing well now that she is finally coming out of her shell a little.

Austin absolutely loves kindergarten. He still only goes half day, but he loves it and is doing well.

Laiken is adjusting to being home half the day alone. You would never know there was only one child here. She absolutely wears me out. She is never still and never doing anything she should be doing.

All the kids are sick now so Morgan is home with asthma problems, Laiken is running a fever and has a cough. The boys both have bad colds, but managed to go to school. Logan is taking the first state test for reading so he really didn't want to miss. I've been waiting for the call to pick one of them up, but only an hour to go, so I think they'll make it.

Still working, but not quite as bit, or should I say, doesn't seem like as much with three of the kids gone at some point in the day.

I'll try to post some pictures from the "barn raising" and Mike's surprise for the kids either tonight or tomorrow, or whenever I manage to get back to this thing!!

Friday, March 28, 2008


I know I said I was going to try and be better, well I guess missing one day as opposed to several months is better. Laiken has now decided she is no longer going to stay and or sleep in her crib. She climbed out yesterday after her nap. She has done this before, but we thought we remedied that by moving all furniture away from her crib. She has now figured out how to lower the side, yes, you read right, she can lower the side on her crib. She climbs out. Not a big deal as she can't get out the bedroom door and nothing to hurt her in her room. Until yesterday that is: She walked into Mike's room after he was in bed and fast asleep. Opened the door right up. She then applied her newly learned skill to open her door yesterday after nap. So this morning bright and early I hear her talking to her monkey on the way down the steps. She won't take a nap today. We have put her in and she has gotten out now seven times. Looks like it is time to do some room rearranging and furniture purchases.

Morgan is still at my mom's for spring break. Austin and Laiken are beginning to miss her now. Logan went out with a friend yesterday who moved away and was also at his grandma's for spring break. Laiken spent almost the whole time looking for the bus.

The boys played outside for a little while yesterday and Laiken was determined she was going out also. After her nap I got her all bundled up and we went for a stroll in the driveway. She was determined she was going out through the grass. She took three steps and fell flat on her face in the mud. In we came and she hasn't asked to go back out.

Mike's dog Jake died yesterday. I guess he was our dog, but he was MIKE's dog. He had him long before we got married and Jake didn't mess with the kids much. He tolerated them and was never mean to them, but he never let any of us ever get too close to him. I think he saw us as obstacles in his way to Mike. We used to laugh because if a dog could stick out their tongue he would have done that to me every chance he got. That dog wouldn't listen to me for anything. We knew it was coming. He was almost 19 years old and hasn't been able to do much this past winter. He basically was kept in his bed because he was blind and deaf. Logan keeps asking how we know he is playing ball in heaven and Austin keeps hugging and kissing me everytime I sit down. I asked him why he is doing that and he said I was the greatest mom in the world and he hoped I wasn't going to die next. We've had all the talks with them and think they understand as much as any 4 and 8 year old can, but I'm wondering if there is something else I should be doing or if they need to work through it on their own now. We still have to tell Morgan when she comes home.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This stinks

I am such a horrible blogger. Yes, I know it has been since well before Christmas since my last post. I have been so busy that when I get a chance to be on the computer, not working, well, lets face it... I don't get the chance to be on the computer without working. I'm going to try really hard though. What is 10 minutes less sleep when I already get 4 to 5 hours right?? I'll try to give a quick update on each child:

Laiken: What a wonder. She is into everything. She loves to explore and pretend play. She loves her babies, her kitchen and her bears. She is about halfway potty trained and loves to try to dress and undress herself, which is the reason for pushing the potty training. She is talking up a storm, some understandable, most not, but that doesn't stop her. In some ways it is hard to believe she will be two at the end of June, but in other ways it seems like she has been here forever.

Austin: Happy birthday to my little man. He will be 5 in a week. I can't even believe it. He is my serious child. He is very stubborn. He is intelligent "world-wise", but not so much book. He really has no interest in reading, writing or anything yet. I got the kids a desk and hopefully he will want to "play school now". He is very aware of the world around him and how things work so is an endless stream of questions, such as: What is inside the powerlines. or I know what makes the grass grow, or I know how they make plastic cups, etc. Austin doesn't like to be alone much so is pretty much my shadow or Mike's when he is here. Laiken adores Austin and he plays with her all day. He even dresses in her silly hats, although he would not be happy if he know I posted that. He promplty quits playing when anyone else is around.

Morgan: My little helper. She is still likes to help with everything. She is my 6 year old teenager. She is quickly coming out of her shell and now enjoys interacting with people alone. She still doesn't like school all that much, but I think having afternoon kindergarten has a lot to do with that. She is too busy to stop and go to school. She is doing very well for showing no interest whatsoever before school. (Gives me hope for her little brother). She is crazy about her baby sister and is forever trying to help with her, not so well accepted by said little sister sometimes. She had such a blast helping out at pancake breakfasts this year.

Logan: Logan is enjoying scouts and still doing well in school. He is starting to settle down a little bit, but is still very easily roused. I am so proud of how he interacts wtih his peers in school. I am constantly informed that he enjoys helping the other kids and his teacher. He is such an inquisitive child and talks constantly, but guess it helps because he is still above average in all his classes.

All the kids will be starting T-ball and little league in the next few weeks, so that will add more to the schedule. I'm excited though because Logan did so well last year and really enjoys it. Morgan and Austin will be starting T-ball and will both be beginners so I am excited to see them try new things.

Short posts about each child becomes quite long when you have four so I'll try to include some pictures next time.