Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Asthma sucks

Morgan was home from school today. She is having trouble with her asthma again. It isn't an all too frequent thing, but when she has an attack, it is usually pretty bad and somewhat lengthy. I'm not too familiar with asthma, but I can remember my brother using his inhaler and usually within minutes he was better. She uses her nebulizer every four hours and sometimes it takes her a couple of days to get fully over it. I truly wonder if it is asthma or something else.

Everyone else seems to be doing fine. We have another busy weekend coming up so I am hoping she will be well by then. We have a Christmas party Saturday, a parade Saturday evening and another Christmas party following the parade. Sunday we have Logan's scout party and Monday we have the Christmas program at school. My parents are coming out for the program. The kids are excited. Then I really have to get busy and start my Christmas shopping. Yes, I did. say. start. This year I feel like such a lousy mom. I just can't find time for anything. Of course I really wouldn't change anything in the world just to give me more time. I love that my children are healthy enough to participate in this stuff and it makes me sad to see Morgan having a hard time, but in reality I think it would be harder on her if she had to miss these activities. I'll be heading to the doctor tomorrow if she is no better. She already feels bad enough about the asthma, I won't have her missing out because of it.

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