Thursday, December 13, 2007


It has been a while. First, the party and parade went well on Saturday. I'm glad it was a short one. The kids enjoyed themselves and I made hubby happy by riding in the fire truck with him instead of marching with the girls. We got out goodie bags from Santa, but did not wait in the long, slow line. Austin was half asleep sitting in his chair, Laiken was running around like she was possessed and Morgan, bless her heart, couldn't stop coughing so we packed up and headed home. Sunday we went shopping in the morning and then I took Logan to his scout party while the other kids and dad stayed home and rested. Well, sort of. The toilet in the downstairs bathroom started leaking so I got called home early and Mike had to run out in a freezing rain storm and get some parts to try to fix it. My parents made it in safe and sound, but the toilet decided the next day to start leaking again?!? Finally think he got that fixed.

School Program:
The school program was wonderful. My kids did such a wonderful job. I was so proud of both of them. Morgan looked so grown up sitting up there singing her song and playing her bells. Logan's class was holding stars on little sticks and the little girl behind him accidentally knocked his out of his hand. Poor grandma thought he fainted when he bent down to pick it up and since it seemed like forever before he stood back up she was ready to head up there to the rescue since none of the teachers were going to help! All was well though. Logan reappeared only slightly ticked off and finished the song. They finished the program with everyone singing Silent Night. Was kind of bittersweet because this was the very last program in the old school. The new school will be finished in June. There is a battle going on in town now over trying to save the old school as it is the oldest one east of the Mississippi River, but it doesn't look like it is going to happen. I think it is going to be too much of a burden on the small town.

We went out to eat and did some Christmas shopping last night. Seemed kind of odd without Austin there. He went home with my parents on Tuesday and seems to be doing okay so far. We will be heading back there for the annual family Christmas party tomorrow. It is kind of crazy, but a lot of fun. My mom's entire family gets together for a huge Christmas party with Santa and everything. At last count I think there is like 30 kids under the age of 10 there, 27 adult grandchildren and eight original kids with spouses. This year is going to be a little rough though because my Uncle Don passed away this year and it will be the first Christmas with just the seven of them. They have always been such a close knit family even though they are spread across two states and they are all taking it pretty hard.

I'll probably not post until after the weekend now as I barely have time to sleep these days, so take care. I'll have lots of pictures when I get back.

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