Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Logan is halfway to 18

I was teasing Logan the other day and telling him that he was halfway to 18 now, then it hit me like a punch in the gut... my baby IS halfway to 18. Technically our time with him in our home is halfway over. I just can't believe it. We had a family party on his birthday and then had a party with friends and extended family this past Saturday. He had a good time and it was nice to see my parents and in-laws make it in from PA. Haven't seen them since Labor Day.

Birthday down, Halloween to come. I've gotten the kids costumes almost completed. I have a girls night out tomorrow night for a Women Who Wine night at a local winery, so actually I only have one more night to get them finished up. I'm excited though, even though I know it means less sleep this week. I'm babysitting for a friend this week, had her today, tomorrow and Thursday. So.... I really should be working now, but just wanted to update before I let it go too long again and then give up.

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