Monday, October 13, 2008

Special school lunch

The parents of the first graders were invited to have lunch with them today at school. It was really nice to have lunch with Morgan. My neighbor was kind enough to put Austin on the bus for me and keep Laiken for a little while. We had lunch and then went back to the classroom for a little while and then we were asked to stay for recess. It was nice to be able to see a little bit of their day and chat with the teachers and other parents. Most of the parents were able to make it, but one little girl whose mother wasn't able to be there was feeling especially left out and by the time we went out for recess she was crying. I felt so bad for her. It is times like that I am so glad I am able to work from home and make sure that I don't miss anything like that for my children. Sometimes I feel guilty for not being able to do as much as some of the other parents, like volunteering on a more regular basis, but with little ones still at home it makes it difficult, but for anything special like that I do whatever I can to be able to be there for them.

It was nice because I actually got to see all three of them today for a little while without them knowing, to see the "real them". While we were having lunch Austin's class came in to get their drinks. As he was walking back out I waved to him and he came over to the table with a disgusted look on his face and said "What do you want mom?" I said I just wanted to say hi and have a good day. He gave me a kind of funny look and walked away. When Logan saw me out on the playground he ran over and gave me a hug, but when they were going back in was too cool to say good-bye, well at least until they were almost back in the school and then he turned and yelled bye mom!! Morgan, of course, didn't want me to leave at all and took a little convincing from her teacher to stay for the afternoon. I'm just so glad I was able to go and am already looking forward to when they have one for Austin next year.

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