Monday, November 12, 2007

Another weekend gone

The kids really enjoyed making their turkey recipe card holders at Lowes. Guess who will be bearing gifts this Thanksgiving... They gave them little safety goggles and Lowes aprons. These have come off rarely since then. Morgan has already decided she is taking her new treasures for Show n Tell on Friday. Kind of puts the pressure on this Christmas competing with Lowes.

Logan had his Cub Scout Pack meeting yesterday and they walked through town handing out bags for the food drive. They have to go back on Saturday and collect any donations. Morgan has a parade Friday night. We are really kind of excited about this because it is the first "Christmas" parade of the season. I think the girls are marching in three or four this year. Logan is in two, only one is the same as Morgan's.

The highlight of Austin's week is the trip to the library. I can only imagine next year when he is becoming involved in things! I really don't want to think about it yet. I may be hiring an assistant! We have cut his "homeschooling" down to three days a week because he is really breezing right through the stuff and I don't want him to be too advanced when he starts kindergarten next year. He is already doing some 1st grade stuff.

Laiken has turned into a little girl overnight. She is just a little chatterbox. A lot of it we can't understand, but she sure does carry on the conversations. She had her first tea party last night and I sat there and bawled like a baby. They had real snacks, but pretend drinks. Well at first Morgan didn't give her a plate for her snack, so she just took Austin's. She sat there like a little girl and ate her snack and "drank" her drink, asking for more and then she took her turn serving the tea and poured tea for the other ones sound effects and all. Morgan was playing babies last night and Laiken got a baby too. Morgan would put her baby to bed and so would Laiken. Morgan was getting a little ticked and put her baby in the stroller. well, Laiken was not about to be outdone. She put her baby in the stroller. Then they. had. their. first. fight. Morgan yelled at Laiken who then threw her hands in the air, started to walk away and turned around and gave Morgan an earful! This time the tears were from laughter. But perhaps her greatest feat of the weekend was tackling the sit n spin. Of course she found out as fast as the other kids it is much more fun to put small objects on it and give it a good spin and see how far they will fly! I wonder if this is a natural instinct or if someone has been coaching her!! She still loves her a good snuggle and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. I know those days just don't last long enough.

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