Friday, November 2, 2007

Is it 3:30 already??

Boy did I not want to get up this morning. It was very late by the time I got to bed last night and the amount of work I have to do today was enough in itself to make me pull the covers right back over my head. The fact that Mike was threatening to bite my toes was finally enough to get me up and the fear of being so tired I'd sleep right through the alarm to get the kids up has kept me up. I so do not want: a) to have to run them to school today, or b) even worse have them home all day! It is going to be hard enough trying to get them out of the house today with my in-laws here.

Speaking of not going to school.... Logan comes home on Wednesday saying the neighbor girl wasn't in school and there was a note asking Logan to bring her work home to her. I told Logan they weren't home, I just saw them leave while I was out getting the mail. So when it starts getting later he said he would just run down the road and put her work on the porch. Okay, no text books, just papers in a folder, no problem. Whoa nellie! Her school picture packet was also in there. Not a chance. I told him I didn't feel comfortable putting that huge packet of pictures on her porch (they have been known to stay at Grandma's all night if dad is working away). So Logan, "and the winner for most dramatic actor is...." declares he will lose his recess if he didn't give it to her, yada yada yada and is near hysterics by this point. So I simply tell him I'll write his teacher a note explaining to her that I wasn't comfortable leaving the stuff on her porch and that I also left a message on Chloe's machine asking them to call when they got in, but didn't get a call. Well, its a good thing I didn't leave the folder on her porch because they still haven't come home. So when Logan gets home from school yesterday this conversation took place:
Mom: Did you give your teacher the note?
Logan: yeah.
Mom: Well, did you lose recess, did she hang you from the ceiling, did she put you in the corner with a dunce hat?
Logan: Funny mom. She said she didn't ask me to take her work home.
Mom: Huh?!? Who else would put the official pink slip on your desk asking you to bring the work home?!? Who else would put it neatly in a little brown folder complete with instructions for completion?!?
Logan: I dunno.
Mom: I'll have that drink now.

Here is another conversation from last night:

Austin: Wow! Look how many birds are flying out there, it must be millions!
Morgan: They are hibernating to Mexico, we learned that in kindergarten today.
Logan: No they aren't those birds are nocturnal.
Morgan: No they are hibernating.
Logan: They are nocturnal!!
After about 6 more times I very calmly say: I THINK YOU BOTH MEAN MIGRATING!!
Logan and Morgan: NO!
Mom exiting: Where is that drink!?!
Lesson learned: Don't argue with your kids, they think they know more than you and can "prove it", afterall they go to school every day, you on the other hand sit at home and pick your toes and drool.

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