Monday, November 5, 2007

Here we go again

Once again sickness is the topic of discussion in this house. I have been fighting a stomach bug for two days now. Thankfully my in-laws left before I got sick, but hopefully I didn't pass it on to them before they left. Both girls have colds and coughs again, but neither of the boys or Mike is sick. They never get sick, which is a good thing because they are total babies.

We had a nice visit with the in-laws, well actually my MIL. My FIL was fishing just about the entire time. Never could figure out how someone could stand in the water ALL. DAY. LONG. He would get up and leave by 6:00 AM and not come back until after dark.

The kids were complete hellions. With all of our family living out of state, we rarely get visitors for any length of time and they just don't know what to do with themselves. The fact that I'm usually stressed out the whole time doesn't help matters. Up until the last few years I didn't have a very good relationship with my MIL and my husband really still isn't as close with his parents as I think he should be. So with that in mind I feel she is constantly judging me, so I'm afraid to be too hard on the kids when she is here, but at the same time afraid she is going to run back home and tell everyone how horrible the kids are or how mean I am or how messy my house is or, well the list could just go on and on. I know I shouldn't let that bother me, but if you had a MIL like that, you would know how I feel. But anyway we survived. She called when they got home to tell me they might be back out in two weeks. This is my major cleaning time. I like to get everything all done by Thanksgiving so that I can put up the Christmas stuff. I have so much to do and I hate to do anything like that when anyone is here. I'm talking taking everything off the walls and wiping everything down, cleaning out all clostes, cupboards etc. It gets rather messy. Oh well, I guess that is a good excuse to stop right?

I need to go to bed. I'm feeling rather lousy, but first I have about six hours or work to do. Don't think that will be happening. Off to get the kiddos in bed and then probably myself.

I'll have pictures of the weekend tomorrow, I think.

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