Monday, November 19, 2007

Over the River and through the woods..

We'll be leaving Wednesday afternoon so the race begins: baking, packing, cleaning, working, shopping. First before I can bake I need to head to the store. Ideally I would like to get both in school first so I only have to take two with me, but seeing as how Morgan doens't go until the afternoon, I would really like to be baking by then. We shall see. I am doing laundry as we speak to get stuff packed, hopefully by Tuesday evening so Wednesday all I have to do is work, whip up my dip and straighten up the house. Logan has scouts tonight and they asked me to stay and help work on the float, not that I could get anything done in less than an hour, but still stressed me out! What are the Holidays without a little stress and a lot of wine, RIGHT?

Laiken had a dance-a-thon in the basement yesterday. She really gets into the dancing! She had her whole little body dancing. Next time I'll have to try and record it, especially the "after" hairdo! She looked like the cartoons after they stick their finger in an outlet. Come to think of it, that pretty much sums up her whole dance!

We rearranged the furniture today to start putting up the Christmas decorations. Not looking forward to that with Ms. Laiken though!!

Oh well... off to get ready for turkey day and shopping with my SIL and cousin. It has become a tradition that we try to shop every black Friday and then have breakfast/lunch out. Unfortunately, my cousin T can't make it this year as she has started a new job and we just couldn't convince her we were worth a sick day! So it looks like it is just Kel, Jen and I this year! So sorry T! Don't know if I'll get time to post again so if not Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

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