Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

I think. It doesn't even seem like Halloween. Our jack o' lanterns are rotted, the costumes are all put away and I'm ready to tear down the decorations. With trick or treat and the party on Saturday it feels like Halloween is already over and getting ready to move on to the next thing.

Logan's dentist appointment on Monday went well. He has to go back this coming Wednesday to have some work done on the other side. Not much going on this week, thankfully. I have been busy outside trying to get my flowers cut off now that it frosted and they are starting to die. I hate seeing the old rotting flowers laying throughout the bed. Tomorrow I'm going to have to work indoors though, my in-laws are supposed to come out for a weekend visit. They call and tell us frequently they are coming though, but rarely do, so I'll be quite surprised if they actually show up. Oh well, gives me an excuse to clean my house, not that I don't constantly, but you know how it is with company.

Laiken is being quite the little stinker lately. She is teething and so not in the best of moods anyway and she has discovered she really. Loves. Smarties. She will do anything for them, including climbing on the table, biting knees, throwing herself down and if need be, eating them right through the wrapper. She has also discovered the fine art of hair pulling. We're not talking the casual grab and run, we're talking dig those chubby little fingers right to the roots and yank until subject falls to the floor screaming for mercy and more often than not it is a two hander! At the same time though she can be soooo sweet it melts your heart. Tonight Morgan ran into the side of the tractor (don't ask) and put a nice bruise on her hip. Well, needless to say she came in the house near hysterical and Laiken right away was trying to soothe her saying sissy okay, sissy okay and rubbing her arm. She actually has a pretty good vocabulary for being 16 months old. She says: Jake, Gizzy, Mommy, dada, ball, baby, bear, drink, eat, more, night-night, hi, bye, bus, outside, go, eyes, nose, thank you, here, all gone, and a few others I can't really think of right now.

Well, I am getting really sleeping and I still have work to do so for now, goodnight.

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