Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I am sooooo tired

Well, here it is again.. 4:00 AM. I swear it just keeps getting earlier and earlier. I am so far behind in my work. I must say they are wonderful to work for and don't get upset, I just hate having that much work on my site. I also have so much to do to get ready for this weekend. We are so busy I don't know if I'm going to make it through after hardly any sleep this week. Next week I'll be dragging for sure. Friday I have to take treats to school for Logan's birthday, Saturday at noon is his birthday party. Then in the afternoon we have a reverse raffle at the firehall, that should be fun. Logan also has a hayride with scouts that night so I'll have to run home and take him to his friend's house so he can go with them and then pick him up when it is over, take him back home to the babysitter and then back to the firehall. Sunday, Logan's actual birthday, he has his scout pack meeting and harvest party. Going to be a lot of fun, but not much in the rest department. Did I mention we will be working at the reverse raffle? I will be having my parents, my in-laws, my sister-in-law and her boyfriend at my house for the weekend!! So.... I guess I better start working now so I can clean the kids rooms today. Never know what you might find in there.

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