Sunday, October 28, 2007

And the winner is.......

Laiken for most original costume and Austin for scariest costume. The kids had a good time trick or treating and at the halloween party. It rained, but not real hard and we were okay with umbrellas. We didn't stay real long at the party though, once judging was over we headed home for hot chocolate and to sit by the fire. Today I got up sick so Mike took the kids down to the church for the pumpkin party there. they had games with tickets and then you could use your tickets to buy prizes. My wonderful kids all put their tickets together and "bought" Laiken two stuffed animals. Then the kids wanted to go see Mr. D, a friend of my husband's. He is in his 70s and lives on a big farm and my children just adore this man. He has had some hard times lately losing his wife to illness and a son-in-law to a terrible accident. I'm helping him with some things and Mike had to go pick up some paperwork from him so he took the kids with him. From there they went to see another friend of my husband's, Mr. M and he had a nice surprise for them for Halloween.... not so sure if it is nice for me or not, but he gave them a puppy. He is a cutie, but still............ He is a full blooded beagle pup and he is white and tan. My daughter, the vet, is just beside herself.

We have another trip to the dentist tomorrow so I really should try to get some work done tonight and will close with some pictures of my goblins.

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