Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Spongebob goes to the dentist

Logan had his dental appointment yesterday. They confirmed his teeth are bad because of all the problems with reflux and feeding issues as a baby. Thankfully his permanent teeth are coming in nicely and so far seem healthy. She is going to put a sealer over those teeth, fill the ones that have little cavities in them and he has one tooth that has to come out. He cut his gums while eating a potato chip and it got infected. She said the infection is gone, but still irritated and since the new tooth is ready to come in, they are going to go ahead and pull it so it doesn't get infected again. She had spongebob playing while she was cleaning his teeth doing some of the beginning work so Logan has not a clue what she even did. He goes back next week to have the tooth pulled and depending on how that goes she will do the fillings that day or another day.

We are going to the church for a Harvest meal tonight once Mike gets home. Then I need to finish costumes. Laiken's just needs some finishing touches, Austin's need painted and tacked to his outfit, Morgan's needs put together and we haven't even started Logan's yet, but have to wait until the day before and that day to do his as some if it will die if we start too early. Why do I feel the need to be the mom that makes all the costumes? Trust me, it isn't the need to be Mommy of the year as much as it is I am cheap and just hate paying all that money for something they are going to wear one night and probably ruin so we can't even pass it down! Although each year as I'm sitting up the entire night before trying to finish up the costumes, I swear the next year I will buy each of them the most expensive costume I can find if it means I don't have to make them.... Here we are again!!

Okay, off to shower now that Laiken is in bed, Austin is watching a movie and the other two are in school.

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