Friday, October 19, 2007

Birthday treats

My mommy points have been redeemed. I totally forgot to make rice krispie treats for Logan's birthday treat at school, almost. I was lying in bed last night, finally at almost midnight, just settled down in and then suddenly remembered. Had the usual battle in my head "You can just run to the store and buy cupcakes, he won't care. Isn't that secretly why you told him not to tell anyone what he was taking anyway??" "But I told HIM that is what I was making and I know he'll be disappointed". Nothing like laying a guilt trip on yourself. So I climbed back out of bed to make his treats. Thankfully it was something fairly easy anyway.

We are still working on halloween costumes. Still on the back burner. We have to get through a birthday at school today, birthday party tomorrow, hayride tomorrow night, reverse raffle tomorrow night, pack meeting and Harvest party Sunday and make Morgan's poster for her Student of the Week next week, treats for that, visit to the school with the dog and two more halloween costumes. Laiken is going to be Mr. Potato Head (Thanks Mom!!), mine didn't turn out too well so she is stepping up and helping with that one. Austin wants to be a mummy. I have the strips ripped, but need to tack them to his outfit so they don't keep falling. Morgan either wants to be a pirate or Marge Simpson. Logan has said anything from a dead waiter to a zombie to the grip reaper to an invisible man to I'm afraid to ask him this morning. Whatever he decides we will have so much fun. We go through our little town first and then our fire department has a party for the kids at the station. We provide apple cider, hot chocolate, popcorn and donuts and games for the kids. There is a costume contest and just a whole lot of fun. Mike and I really enjoy seeing all the kids having so much fun. Even the older ones fall asleep on the big 2 mile trip home. Maybe then things will settle down a little bit. Oh, who am I kidding. With the parades, parties, holidays, school pagents, etc. we won't catch our breath now until mid January, just in time for pancake breakfasts as the fire hall!!

I'm going to give up two of my accounts on Monday. I'm just not getting it done. The days that they all send in are just too stressful. I talked it over with them and we decided it would be best to reassign those accounts and then on my lighter days I can request more work. I started those two because my one big account was slowing down; however, they added two new dictators so are much, much bigger now. It's just hard for me to admit I can't do it all.

I'll have some pictures to share soon!

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