Friday, October 26, 2007

I can see the finish line

Today marks the end of Morgan's special week at school. She has to take her treats in today, which I remembered at a decent hour last night. Logan goes on his much anticipated field trip today. The Playhouse is putting on a Max and Ruby presentation for the schools and Logan's grade is going today. His lunch is packed and ready to go.

All the costumes are finished except for Austin's, which cause me some grief last night, but I think we figured out a way to do it now. Logan wanted to be a spy (like the ones you see hiding in the bushes covered with leaves!!). Oooooooookay, so I need to sit and sew leaves all over your clothes, which will need to be done at the last minute so they don't crumble all over the place. Well, needless to say I didn't think of artificial leaves soon enough. I know I am wierd, but I don't like to go anywhere the days the kids go on a field trip. I'm afraid my cell phone won't work or something. So with twirling tonight I just didn't see a trip to the store in my immediate plans. So Austin and I did some digging yesterday and we came up with a Darth Vader outfit for Logan. The boys got talking Darth Vader helmets last year for Christmas from my two nieces. They even change your voice. We didn't think he would actually go for it, but we had fun making it. He actually liked it!! Of course in his 8-year-old brain he needed someone else to be Darth Vader too so they could fight, the light saber didn't actually light up so he thought we could attach a laser to it (uuummm yeah just as soon as I pull the one out of my ear that i have been keeping for just this occasion) and the light saber (made from an old witch's broom from years gone by) really should be a couple of inches longer!! By this time I was ready to make the light saber disappear, if you know what I mean!! This all from a costume he loved! Can you imagine if he only liked the costume. So now Austin's mummy will only require another 36 hours and at least that many drinks.

I have so much work to do, still one costume to make and my house looks like we have been burglarized and they thought the good stuff must be well hidden and oooohhhh yeah, my FIL called to say he and my MIL (whose house is spotless at the worst of times) are coming out this weekend, probably tonight. They say this frequently, but usually don't end up coming. Would it make me a horrible person to hope this is one of those times?!? Oh well if it does, that is my wish!! With that I must go, just in case.

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