Thursday, November 8, 2007

We did it!!

Well the local elections are finally over and I am happy to say we did very well. We elected the mayor we wanted, the trustee we wanted and the fiscal officer we wanted. We won all around. The "losers" are already causing trouble, but all they can do now is run their mouthes for the next 2 and 4 years and if they try again, we'll be ready!! People don't understand what this means and think we are making a big deal out of things, but this could have meant big trouble for the village as a whole, actually causing people to move and also could have had major impact on our fire department, and those of you who know us, know our entire family is deeply involved in the fire department. We are thrilled that people listened to us and continued on the path we have been working for so long to pave. Enough said.

Logan is finished up with his dental work now. Who knew acid reflux could have such an impact on his teeth seven years later. The other two go for their check up on Tuesday and hopefully she won't find the same thing happening with them. Morgan didn't have reflux and Austin's wasn't near as bad as Logan's so they really should be fine. Logan's just happened so fast, I'm hoping this pediatric dentist will know more what to look for with the others and if they do have a problem, it won't get out of hand like Logan's did.

I have been getting hit really hard at work and with Christmas coming trying to get as much done as I can. Mike has been super busy lately between wrapping things up for the election, fire department meetings, township meetings, overtime at work, inventory at work. So between me working extra, him working extra and his meetings and the kids functions, I feel like I haven't seen him in forever. Well, last weekend he was around more, but with his parents here it wasn't the same. He won't get home until after 8:00 tonight so I'm hoping to have all the kids in bed so while he eats and relaxes we can have some time just to ourselves because this weekend is going to be hectic again. Although he will get to spend some time with the three older kids. He is taking them to one of those workshop things at Lowe's. Lakien and I will do what we do best, shop, while they are doing that. I had plans of having lunch out somewhere afterwards, but might not now because Logan has a "hot date" with his friend in the afternoon. Sunday we have a scouting function and something else I can't think of right now. Have to find time somewhere to get things ready for Thanksgiving and dare I say it... Christmas. I need an extra month this year, sorry, just gotta put everything on hold.